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폐기된 의학 용어 영어로

"폐기된 의학 용어" 중국어

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  • Obsolete medical terms
  • 폐기된    dead
  • 의학    의학 [醫學] medicine; medical science. ~의
  • 용어    용어 [用語] [술어] a term; phraseology;
  • 폐기된 분류군    Obsolete taxa
  • 폐기된 태풍    Retired Pacific typhoons
  • 폐기된 태풍 이름    Retired Pacific typhoon names
  • 의학 용어 의학 용어    Medical terminology
  • 폐기된 동물 분류군    Obsolete animal taxa
  • 폐기된 태풍 이름의 목록    List of retired Pacific typhoon names
  • 폐기    폐기 [廢氣] used steam; exhaust (steam / gas).▷ 폐기 청소 scavenging.폐기 [廢棄] (제도·풍속의) disuse; abolition; abandonment; (법률 등의) abrogation; repeal; disaffirmation; defeasance; cassation; reverse(판결의); denunci
  • 용어    용어 [用語] [술어] a term; phraseology; terminology; [어휘] (a) vocabulary. 과학 ~ scientific terms. 관청 ~ official language. 법률 ~ legal terms[terminology / phraseology]. 전문 ~ technical terms[terminology]. 의학
  • 의학    의학 [醫學] medicine; medical science. ~의 medical. ~적으로 medical(ly). ~을 연구하다 study medicine. 병원에서 ~ 실습을 하다 walk the hospital(s) / act as an intern / intern .▷ 의학계 the medical world; medical circles.▷ 의
  • 등기된    registered
  • 연기된    deferred
  • 예기된    is-to-be
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